Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust
Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust (GPCLT)
General Data Protection Regulation 2018
Privacy Policy Statement
GPCLT retains personal information about its members in digital form in order to facilitate its responsibility to keep members informed about the activities of the GPCLT and seek their support. The information may also be used for administrative and financial purposes.
The personal information includes the member’s name, address, telephone number, and email address where available. These details are recorded digitally on a device which is password protected and are not accessible to anyone other than the Membership Secretary and those officers of the GPCLT duly authorised to have reason to do so for a specific purpose.
The GPCLT will take care to ensure all reasonable efforts are taken to keep your data secure.
The GPCLT will in no way share or sell any of this data with any other organisation or person but will respect and protect the privacy of its members.
Receipt of this statement is deemed to indicate an acceptance by a member of the use of their data for the purpose indicated above. However, a member may advise the Membership Secretary now or at any time in the future should they wish to withhold that permission in part or in whole. The GPCLT promises to remove data from the data base as soon as is practicable after such notification.
The GPCLT shall comply with the principles of data protection enumerated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2018) and the Data Protection Act (1998). It will make every effort possible in everything it does to comply with these principles.