Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust (“CLT”) has identified a potential location in the Parish to provide affordable housing for local people. This is a community based project so the CLT provided an opportunity for people to find out more and express their views at a public consultation meeting. With the impact of the pandemic, a public virtual consultation meeting was arranged using Zoom. The Meeting was advertised in advance via posters in the Village Post Offices and on Village notice boards and on Facebook. The consultation generated a lot of interest and over 70 Zoom invitations were sent to people who contacted the CLT for an invitation and members of the CLT. The consultation was well attended. After the presentation and Q and A session an indicative poll was taken to get an overall feel for the sentiment of those attending, for the proposal. 90% of votes supported the CLT progressing the project on the potential site that had been identified.

Members of the community are welcome to view the presentation slides on our website and read this summary of questions arising from the meeting and let us know your thoughts by emailing or writing down your comments and putting them in one of the CARA suggestion boxes in the two Village Post offices, which they have kindly said we can use for this purpose.
Click the link below for the Questions and Answers arising from the consultation.